The Grit & Glowry of Self Development

  • The Road to Overcoming Adversity

    In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, I found myself on an unexpected journey. I was a fearless teenager who, against all odds, embra...
  • The Importance of Aligning With Our Core Values

    Delve into the significance of aligning with our core values and how it leads to a more fulfilling life. Core values act as the guiding stars that help us navigate our journey with purpose and authenticity. When we live in alignment with our values, we experience a profound sense of congruence and inner peace.
  • The Power of Consistency

    Consistency is an important aspect of achieving success in any area of life. It involves making a commitment to take regular and deliberate action towards our goals, even when we don't feel like it or encounter obstacles along the way.
  • What Does it Mean to Get in Alignment?

    In life, we all seek to find a sense of balance, harmony, and flow. We want to feel like we're moving towards our goals, fulfilling our potential,...
  • 6 Strategies to Help You Communicate Your Feelings Effectively

    Communicating your feelings can be challenging, especially if you are not used to doing it. However, it is an essential aspect of building healthy...
  • What To Do If You're Running Low On Confidence

    Confidence is an essential ingredient for success in every aspect of life. Whether it’s a job interview, public speaking, your body or pursuing you...
  • Black People & Trauma

    Black people have faced trauma throughout history, from slavery to the ongoing systemic racism and discrimination that exists today. It's no wonder that so many have struggled with mental health issues as a result. However, there is a growing movement of black people who are facing their trauma head on, and it's important that we all understand why this is so important.
  • Understanding the Power & Fundamentals of Effective Communication

    Communication is a powerful tool that goes beyond just words. It involves active listening, nonverbal cues, cultural awareness, persuasion, and relationship building. By understanding these aspects of communication, we can communicate more effectively and make meaningful connections with the world around us.
  • How to Overcome Fear

    Fear is a natural human emotion that can be both helpful and harmful. On one hand, it can be a protective mechanism that helps us avoid dangerous ...
  • What is Shadow Work

    Shadow work is a term that refers to the process of exploring and confronting the parts of ourselves that we tend to keep hidden or suppressed. Th...
  • Why People Struggle to be Honest with Themselves & How To Deal With Them

    People absolutely struggle to be honest with themselves, and this can be a significant barrier to personal growth and fulfillment. Whether it's de...
  • 5 Ways to Get Unstuck

    Feeling stuck in life can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. Whether you're struggling with a career, relationship, parenthood, or perso...